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  • How does Happypillar work?
    Parents spend one-on-one time with their kids and use several of the same skills play therapists do for just 5 minutes per day. During that time, the relationship between parents and their kids gets stronger, and appropriate behaviors are reinforced. Families can rely on Happypillar to provide content and strategies that have been rigorously studied, and found to be effective.
  • What challenges does Happypillar address?
    Happypillar supports parents in addressing a range of challenging behaviors, including arguing, tantrums, physical aggression, and ignoring directions from adults. It also helps parents build more positive, cooperative relationships with their kids by incorporating skills that foster healthy attachment. The strategies in Happypillar can also address concerns like anxious behavior, and low mood. Finally, Happypillar helps children build social skills, like taking turns, and expressing their feelings with words.
  • What age of children benefit from Happypillar?
    Happypillar is designed for parents of kids aged 2-7. We will expand to different age groups in the future.
  • How long will it take to see improvement?
    How quickly things improve varies greatly, just like how kids learn to read at different paces and at different ages. Research shows that the best outcomes happen with families who practice consistently and frequently. With 5 minutes of daily practice, you can expect to see improvement in challenging behavior within 3-6 months, if not much sooner.
  • Do I meet with a real therapist?
    No, Happypillar is a digital mental health support app. Licensed therapists designed every aspect of the program’s content, from the parent training videos and guided exercises to the personalized feedback. Our goal is to use technology to bring child therapy expertise to parents. This means that Happypillar has no waitlists, is accessible at all times, and costs significantly less than traditional options.
  • When can I use Happypillar?
    Any time! Happy Time, what we call your daily sessions, lasts only 5 minutes a day. Use Happypillar whenever it works for you and your family.
  • Why should I choose Happypillar?
    There are very few programs that are specifically designed for early childhood. Happypillar is developmentally appropriate for ages 2-7 and was designed to suit the needs of families with young children. Benefits include increased compliance, decrease in physical and verbal aggression from children, fewer tantrums and meltdowns, improvement in confidence and social skills, improved vocabulary, and most importantly, healthier attachment bonds between caregivers and their kids. Parents also report decreased stress!
  • What is the evidence behind Happypillar?
    Over the course of several decades, the therapeutic methods used in Happypillar’s program have been proven to significantly decrease parent stress, increase child compliance, and enhance parent-child relationships.¹ Additional benefits for children include enhanced pro-social skills², improved emotional regulation³, and lower incidences of depression and anxiety⁴. When provided virtually, these methods are just as effective, and sometimes more effective, than when they are used in traditional clinics.⁵ ¹ Thomas, R., Abell, B., Webb, H. J., Avdagic, E., & Zimmer-Gembeck, M. J. (2017). Parent-child interaction therapy: a meta-analysis. Pediatrics, 140(3). Linked here. ² ³Rothenberg, W. A., Weinstein, A., Dandes, E. A., & Jent, J. F. (2019). Improving child emotion regulation: Effects of parent–child interaction-therapy and emotion socialization strategies. Journal of child and family studies, 28(3), 720-731. Linked Here. ⁴ ⁵ Comer, J. S. (2019, May). Broadening the reach of parenting intervention through technology. CYF News. Linked here.
  • Who designed the content in Happypillar? Are they authorized to provide guidance to families?
    The short answer: licensed child therapists designed the content, and they're authorized to provide guidance to families. The longer answer: The Happypillar team includes licensed mental health professionals, and they are involved at every stage of program development. Our technology relies on the expertise of clinicians who specialize in childhood development, child/family therapies, and evidence-based modalities to ensure that what we offer families is up-to-date with current standards. These therapists directly inform how our therapeutic tools intersect with technology so that families receive information, support, and strategies that we can stand behind. We have also formed a clinical board of advisors to review our methods, content and technology and guide our practices and app development to provide our users with the best possible experience.
  • What kind of toys are best for Happy Time?
    Before Happy Time, put out 1-3 sets of toys. This is the number that research has shown keeps kids interested, without getting them too distracted or energized. The toys you choose should encourage safe, open-ended play and should not require rules. Examples include: Blocks (such as Lego, Duplo, Tinker Toys, or foam blocks) Magnet tiles Farm animals Stuffed animals Play kitchen Drawing supplies Playdough Train set Play garage with cars Baby dolls Dollhouse or schoolhouse with toy people During Happy Time, leave behind toys that may increase kids' energy levels (swords, sports equipment), and don't use board games and books, as these don't let your child lead the play. Some of these toys are great for other times, just not the best fit for Happy Time. ☺
  • What do I do if I have multiple children? Can I do this with more than one child at a time?
    Happy Time is effective in part because it is between only one parent and one child at a time. If you have multiple kids, you have a few options! First, if you have enough time in your day, you can have 5 minutes of Happy Time with each of your children. Kids are less likely to interrupt a sibling's Happy Time when they know they will have their own. Second, you can give the child who is not having their Happy Time something rewarding, like a special activity or toy that they only get during those five minutes Happypillar's free app is set up to support one child. Happypillar Premium allows you to add multiple children, each with their own Happy Time schedule and progress.
  • What if I break the rules?
    Keep going! It is normal to "break the rules," especially as your are learning the Happy Time skills. At the end of each Happy Time, you can view your report including your Happy Score, which shows how many of the skills you successfully implemented, and where you need to improve. Therefore, if you "break the rules", like asking a question or giving an unnecessary command, you'll see that in your realtime feedback and know to correct it for next time. Please do not restart your Happy Time recording, even if you feel it could be going better. A realistic recording will help you get more specific, applicable feedback.
  • Should my kid know what Happy Time is or anything about it?
    You are welcome to tell your child that you will be having Happy Time together! You do not need to explain any of the skills, but many kids notice that Happy Time feels different, and that parents sound different while it is happening. They may even ask you questions about it. This is normal, and you can always echo back that it is a bit different than the rest of the day. Some kids even start to ask for Happy Time every day.
  • How do I explain Happy Time to my kid?
    You can share with your child that Happy Time is special one-on-one time between the two of you that you plan to have every day for five minutes. During Happy Time, you’ll have a few toys out for them to choose from and you'll be playing together.
  • What if my child is uncomfortable with Happy Time?
    Kids can be uncomfortable with new things, and that is normal! They are also experts at noticing YOU, their caregivers. If they comment on the fact that you sound different during Happy Time, you can absolutely validate that! You can say “You’re right! I do sound a little different during Happy Time!” Once Happy Time is part of your regular routine, you’re unlikely to keep getting that kind of comment, because your child will know exactly what to expect. If you think your child is uncomfortable because of the fact that you’re using an app on your phone, you can let them know that the app is mostly to keep time, and to help parents learn about the things they say, but that the app will never keep the words that they say.
  • Should I be practicing these skills at all times? Or just during Happy Time?
    The most important thing for your child's success with the program is to focus on using the NICE skills and Not Now skills during Happy Time. No parent could use them all day long. However, the skills are beneficial at any time of day, and are great for bonding and reinforcing good behavior. There is no overusing these skills.
  • What if my kid misbehaves during Happy Time?
    During Happy Time, you should ignore any and all challenging behaviors, and use NICE skills to call attention to your child's appropriate behavior instead. For example, if your child is yelling, but sitting nicely, you can "celebrate" them sitting nicely and ignore the yelling. There are a few big exceptions to this approach. If your child is about to hurt themselves or anyone else, or if they are about to destroy something in your home, immediately stop Happy Time. When unsafe behavior is happening, there are no do-overs or warnings. Happy Time needs to stop immediately, so that you can take the lead and use commands.
  • What if my kid doesn’t want to join Happy Time?
    This happens sometimes! Kids need to figure out how Happy Time works. Part of that is seeing how you'll react if they walk away. Never force your child to join Happy Time, but still start Happy Time by yourself. You can use all the skills out loud, like narrating your own play, and if your child joins you, give them a lot of celebration for coming over, or just showing interest. It is rare for children to decline Happy Time forever.
  • What if my kid is totally normal during Happy Time but a tyrant the rest of the day? Does it still help?
    Congratulations, you are doing a great job during your Happy Time because your child is able to show you their good behavior! This is great information -- they really CAN do it! Benefits tend to "generalize," which means that with more practice and time, the good behaviors you are seeing during Happy Time are likely to show up other places, like during dinner, at school, or when you're running errands.
  • What if my kid doesn’t want to stop Happy Time?
    This can be frustrating, AND is a good sign that your child values your Happy Time together! There are a lot of strategies that can make the transition out of Happy Time easier. Avoid moving straight into a less enjoyable activity, like cleaning up or brushing teeth. Give your child a few minutes of play time alone, or invite them to join you in whatever you are doing next. When the end tone plays in your Happypillar app, allow your child to press the submit button to ceremoniously close out their Happy Time session. Remind them that you’ll be doing Happy Time again tomorrow!
  • What time of day is best? Does it need to be at the same time every day?
    Whatever time of day sets you and your child up for success is best. For some families, that may be before school, for others after dinner. It is helpful for Happy Time to be around the same time every day so it becomes predictable and routine for you and your child, but it is much more important that Happy Time happens at all! Think of Happy Time like brushing your teeth— a necessary exercise for health, but not the end of the world if timing changes a bit from day to day.
  • My child had a terrible day, should we still have Happy Time?
    Absolutely, yes! It can be extra tough to set aside five minutes of one-on-one time with your child after a day of challenging behavior. However, consistent Happy Time is part of what will help your child’s behavior improve long-term, and the skills you use during these five minutes will regulate your child’s mind and body in the short-term. In fact, having Happy Time on a tough day may have even more of an impact than Happy Time on a good day. It could be exactly the reset your family needs!
  • I’m a super busy parent, how do I fit this in?
    It may take some to build up a Happy Time routine. It's normal for busy families to have trouble with consistency at first. The great news is that as Happy Time and parent skills increase, most families actually end up getting time back! You should save a lot of time when meltdowns and challenging behaviors don't take up as much of your day. Think about where you could fit Happy Time into your daily routine, like bath time, or 5 minutes before bedtime. Happypillar’s customizable push notifications are great reminders during your busy day.
  • How do you ensure my family’s privacy?
    We take your privacy seriously and treat your data as securely as private medical records. We use industry-leading cryptography and follow HIPAA and SOC 2 compliance guidelines to securely process and store your conversation data. We scrub all personally-identifiable information (PII) to anonymize your data before it reaches our servers. If ever you want your information deleted from our servers, or you have any questions about Happypillar data security, please email us at
  • Is Happypillar safe to use?
    Happypillar is listed by the kidSAFE Seal Program. The kidSAFE Seal Program is an independent safety certification service and seal-of-approval program designed exclusively for children-friendly websites and technologies, including online game sites, educational services, virtual worlds, social networks, mobile apps, tablet devices, connected toys, and other similar online and interactive services. Click on the seal or go to for more information.
  • How much does Happypillar cost?
    You can try Happypillar for free, to get started! You may be interested in joining thousands of happy families who use Happypillar Premium. With Happypillar Premium, we offer two subscription options. Pay $12.99 per month or get4 months free with an annual subscription for $99. We’re always adding new features and content from our clinicians to help you and your kiddo! Take our free assessment to see if Happypillar Premium is right for you.
  • Do you accept HSA/FSA?
    Happypillar is not currently eligible for HSA/FSA reimbursement. If that changes in the future, we will let our community know.
  • I purchased my Happypillar Premium subscription via the Apple App Store and I want a refund. What can I do?
    Unfortunately, here at Happypillar, we don't have access to Apple's App Store's subscription or billing details to cancel or refund these purchases. We apologize! Since the Apple App Store has a separate system for billing and payment information, we kindly ask that you visit the Apple App Store customer care department at this link to request a refund. You can also download the free Apple Support app and search "refund subscription", for a guided refund request experience, or call the Apple support number in your region. In the meantime, please click here to view steps on how to cancel your subscription and/or to ensure your subscription is canceled via your Apple device, so that it doesn't automatically renew.
  • I purchased my Happypillar Premium subscription via the Google Play Store and I want a refund. What can I do?
    If you purchased your Happypillar subscription through the mobile app via Google Play, you will need to contact Google Play Support in order to get a potential refund. You can contact Google Play Support here. In the meantime, please follow the steps below on your Android device to disable the auto-renew feature for your Headspace subscription: Open the Google Play Store app Tap Menu Tap "Account" and then "Subscriptions" Tap the Happypillar app Tap "Manage", then "Cancel Subscription" and confirm cancellation
  • I purchased my Happypillar Premium subscription on the website and want a refund. What can I do?
    If you purchased your Happypillar Premium subscription on our website, go to our online portal to manage or cancel your subscription.
  • How do I cancel my subscription?
    If you purchased your Happypillar Premium subscription on our website Click this link to manage your subscription If you purchased your subscription via the Apple App Store: Open the Settings app Tap on your name Tap "Subscriptions" Select the Happypillar subscription Tap "Cancel Subscription" to disable it from auto-renewing at the end of the current billing cycle If you purchased your subscription via the Google Play Store: Open the Google Play Store Tap Menu (3 small horizontal lines) and then "Subscriptions" Select the Happypillar subscription Tap "Cancel Subscription" Follow the onscreen instructions
  • Do you provide support for older children?
    We will soon! We are carefully designing programs to support other age groups to reach as many families as possible.
  • How long is the waitlist?
    We don’t have waitlists. Once you download the app, access to support is immediate!
  • Can I share Happypillar with a friend or family member?
    Yes! We are working on a referral program that we can’t wait to roll out.
  • Why are you called Happypillar?
    A few reasons! Caterpillars are working towards a transition, building a cocoon to metamorphose into butterflies. We think parents and kids are always working on the same kind of transformation, in to the best versions of themselves. We also teach some of the pillars of play therapy, and we want to remind everyone that you can, once again, feel happy! Additionally, a pillar is support, holding you up. We want to support parents and help them reach higher and further.
  • What if I need more support than Happypillar provides?
    Happypillar may not be for all situations. If you think you need more help, we are working on partnering with other services that may offer what you need. If you, your child, or someone you know is in crisis: Call 911, go to the nearest emergency room, or reach out to the following resources. You’re never alone. Call 1-800-273-TALK (8255) to reach a 24-hour crisis center. Text 741741 to reach the Crisis Text Line. Additional resources here
  • I have a promo code for a free trial. How can I use it?
    Exciting! You can claim your free trial here. Make sure you've downloaded the free Happypillar app and signed up for a free account before you redeem your code.
  • I thought I had a free trial, but I don't see it! What do I do?
    If you thought you signed up for a free trial but it's not showing in the app, you may have set up your app with a different email address than the one you used to set up your free trial. Sometimes this happens when you automatically log in with your Google Play, Gmail, or App Store accounts. The easiest solution here is to log out of the app, click Sign Up and set up your app account with the email address you used to set up the trial online. Then you'll see that you have a Premium Subscription. If that isn't working for you, or you can't figure out which email address is being used, feel free to drop us a line at,
  • Is there really a 14-day money back guarantee?
    Yes! Read more below for the details, but rest assured that every family gets a 2-week free trial of Happypillar Premium, at no charge, that you can cancel at any time within the first 14 days. Here's the fine print: Every family gets a 14-day free trial to explore Happypillar Premium risk-free. During this trial you will not be charged and you can cancel anytime, for any reason. If you continue your subscription past the free trial, your payment method will be charged at the end of the 14th day. If you don’t cancel within 14 days, here’s what happens: Once charged, you have an additional 14 days (28 days from the start of your free trial) to request a full refund if you've completed 10 Happy Times on 10 different days. If you didn’t complete 10 Happy Times within the 28 day window, you can still cancel your subscription for the next billing cycle (monthly or yearly), but refunds won’t be available for the initial payment. These Happy Times need to be the full thing--so 5 full minutes for each Happy Time. That's only 5 minutes a day. We truly believe in the transformative power of Happypillar. Families who stick to the program see undeniable improvements in their child’s behavior and the parent-child bond. That’s why we encourage you to make the commitment—show up for 10 Happy Times and watch the amazing results unfold! If you've done 10 full Happy Times in the first 28 days and still want a refund for that first payment, you've got it. Just reach out to us at .
  • How does Happypillar work?
    Parents spend one-on-one time with their kids and use several of the same skills play therapists do for just 5 minutes per day. During that time, the relationship between parents and their kids gets stronger, and appropriate behaviors are reinforced. Families can rely on Happypillar to provide content and strategies that have been rigorously studied, and found to be effective.
  • What challenges does Happypillar address?
    Happypillar supports parents in addressing a range of challenging behaviors, including arguing, tantrums, physical aggression, and ignoring directions from adults. It also helps parents build more positive, cooperative relationships with their kids by incorporating skills that foster healthy attachment. The strategies in Happypillar can also address concerns like anxious behavior, and low mood. Finally, Happypillar helps children build social skills, like taking turns, and expressing their feelings with words.
  • What age of children benefit from Happypillar?
    Happypillar is designed for parents of kids aged 2-7. We will expand to different age groups in the future.
  • How long will it take to see improvement?
    How quickly things improve varies greatly, just like how kids learn to read at different paces and at different ages. Research shows that the best outcomes happen with families who practice consistently and frequently. With 5 minutes of daily practice, you can expect to see improvement in challenging behavior within 3-6 months, if not much sooner.
  • Do I meet with a real therapist?
    No, Happypillar is a digital mental health support app. Licensed therapists designed every aspect of the program’s content, from the parent training videos and guided exercises to the personalized feedback. Our goal is to use technology to bring child therapy expertise to parents. This means that Happypillar has no waitlists, is accessible at all times, and costs significantly less than traditional options.
  • When can I use Happypillar?
    Any time! Happy Time, what we call your daily sessions, lasts only 5 minutes a day. Use Happypillar whenever it works for you and your family.
  • Why should I choose Happypillar?
    There are very few programs that are specifically designed for early childhood. Happypillar is developmentally appropriate for ages 2-7 and was designed to suit the needs of families with young children. Benefits include increased compliance, decrease in physical and verbal aggression from children, fewer tantrums and meltdowns, improvement in confidence and social skills, improved vocabulary, and most importantly, healthier attachment bonds between caregivers and their kids. Parents also report decreased stress!
  • What is the evidence behind Happypillar?
    Over the course of several decades, the therapeutic methods used in Happypillar’s program have been proven to significantly decrease parent stress, increase child compliance, and enhance parent-child relationships.¹ Additional benefits for children include enhanced pro-social skills², improved emotional regulation³, and lower incidences of depression and anxiety⁴. When provided virtually, these methods are just as effective, and sometimes more effective, than when they are used in traditional clinics.⁵ ¹ Thomas, R., Abell, B., Webb, H. J., Avdagic, E., & Zimmer-Gembeck, M. J. (2017). Parent-child interaction therapy: a meta-analysis. Pediatrics, 140(3). Linked here. ² ³Rothenberg, W. A., Weinstein, A., Dandes, E. A., & Jent, J. F. (2019). Improving child emotion regulation: Effects of parent–child interaction-therapy and emotion socialization strategies. Journal of child and family studies, 28(3), 720-731. Linked Here. ⁴ ⁵ Comer, J. S. (2019, May). Broadening the reach of parenting intervention through technology. CYF News. Linked here.
  • Who designed the content in Happypillar? Are they authorized to provide guidance to families?
    The short answer: licensed child therapists designed the content, and they're authorized to provide guidance to families. The longer answer: The Happypillar team includes licensed mental health professionals, and they are involved at every stage of program development. Our technology rely on the expertise of clinicians who specialize in childhood development, child/family therapies, and evidence-based modalities to ensure that what we offer families is up-to-date with current standards. These therapists directly inform how our therapeutic tools intersect with technology so that families receive information, support, and strategies that we can stand behind. We have also formed a clinical board of advisors to review our methods, content and technology and guide our practices and app development to provide our users with the best possible experience.
  • What kind of toys are best for Happy Time?
    Before Happy Time, put out 1-3 sets of toys. This is the number that research has shown keeps kids interested, without getting them too distracted or energized. The toys you choose should encourage safe, open-ended play and should not require rules. Examples include: Blocks (such as Lego, Duplo, Tinker Toys, or foam blocks) Magnet tiles Farm animals Stuffed animals Play kitchen Drawing supplies Playdough Train set Play garage with cars Baby dolls Dollhouse or schoolhouse with toy people During Happy Time, leave behind toys that may increase kids' energy levels (swords, sports equipment), and don't use board games and books, as these don't let your child lead the play. Some of these toys are great for other times, just not the best fit for Happy Time. ☺
  • What do I do if I have multiple children? Can I do this with more than one child at a time?
    Happy Time is effective in part because it is between only one parent and one child at a time. If you have multiple kids, you have a few options! First, if you have enough time in your day, you can have 5 minutes of Happy Time with each of your children. Kids are less likely to interrupt a sibling's Happy Time when they know they will have their own. Second, you can give the child who is not having their Happy Time something rewarding, like a special activity or toy that they only get during those five minutes Happypillar's free app is set up to support one child. Happypillar Premium allows you to add multiple children, each with their own Happy Time schedule and progress.
  • What if I break the rules?
    Keep going! It is normal to "break the rules," especially as your are learning the Happy Time skills. At the end of each Happy Time, you can view your report including your Happy Score, which shows how many of the skills you successfully implemented, and where you need to improve. Therefore, if you "break the rules", like asking a question or giving an unnecessary command, you'll see that in your realtime feedback and know to correct it for next time. Please do not restart your Happy Time recording, even if you feel it could be going better. A realistic recording will help you get more specific, applicable feedback.
  • Should my kid know what Happy Time is or anything about it?
    You are welcome to tell your child that you will be having Happy Time together! You do not need to explain any of the skills, but many kids notice that Happy Time feels different, and that parents sound different while it is happening. They may even ask you questions about it. This is normal, and you can always echo back that it is a bit different than the rest of the day. Some kids even start to ask for Happy Time every day.
  • How do I explain Happy Time to my kid?
    You can share with your child that Happy Time is special one-on-one time between the two of you that you plan to have every day for five minutes. During Happy Time, you’ll have a few toys out for them to choose from and you'll be playing together.
  • What if my child is uncomfortable with Happy Time?
    Kids can be uncomfortable with new things, and that is normal! They are also experts at noticing YOU, their caregivers. If they comment on the fact that you sound different during Happy Time, you can absolutely validate that! You can say “You’re right! I do sound a little different during Happy Time!” Once Happy Time is part of your regular routine, you’re unlikely to keep getting that kind of comment, because your child will know exactly what to expect. If you think your child is uncomfortable because of the fact that you’re using an app on your phone, you can let them know that the app is mostly to keep time, and to help parents learn about the things they say, but that the app will never keep the words that they say.
  • Should I be practicing these skills at all times? Or just during Happy Time?
    The most important thing for your child's success with the program is to focus on using the NICE skills and Not Now skills during Happy Time. No parent could use them all day long. However, the skills are beneficial at any time of day, and are great for bonding and reinforcing good behavior. There is no overusing these skills.
  • What if my kid misbehaves during Happy Time?
    During Happy Time, you should ignore any and all challenging behaviors, and use NICE skills to call attention to your child's appropriate behavior instead. For example, if your child is yelling, but sitting nicely, you can "celebrate" them sitting nicely and ignore the yelling. There are a few big exceptions to this approach. If your child is about to hurt themselves or anyone else, or if they are about to destroy something in your home, immediately stop Happy Time. When unsafe behavior is happening, there are no do-overs or warnings. Happy Time needs to stop immediately, so that you can take the lead and use commands.
  • What if my kid doesn’t want to join Happy Time?
    This happens sometimes! Kids need to figure out how Happy Time works. Part of that is seeing how you'll react if they walk away. Never force your child to join Happy Time, but still start Happy Time by yourself. You can use all the skills out loud, like narrating your own play, and if your child joins you, give them a lot of celebration for coming over, or just showing interest. It is rare for children to decline Happy Time forever.
  • What if my kid is totally normal during Happy Time but a tyrant the rest of the day? Does it still help?
    Congratulations, you are doing a great job during your Happy Time because your child is able to show you their good behavior! This is great information -- they really CAN do it! Benefits tend to "generalize," which means that with more practice and time, the good behaviors you are seeing during Happy Time are likely to show up other places, like during dinner, at school, or when you're running errands.
  • What if my kid doesn’t want to stop Happy Time?
    This can be frustrating, AND is a good sign that your child values your Happy Time together! There are a lot of strategies that can make the transition out of Happy Time easier. Avoid moving straight into a less enjoyable activity, like cleaning up or brushing teeth. Give your child a few minutes of play time alone, or invite them to join you in whatever you are doing next. When the end tone plays in your Happypillar app, allow your child to press the submit button to ceremoniously close out their Happy Time session. Remind them that you’ll be doing Happy Time again tomorrow!
  • What time of day is best? Does it need to be at the same time every day?
    Whatever time of day sets you and your child up for success is best. For some families, that may be before school, for others after dinner. It is helpful for Happy Time to be around the same time every day so it becomes predictable and routine for you and your child, but it is much more important that Happy Time happens at all! Think of Happy Time like brushing your teeth— a necessary exercise for health, but not the end of the world if timing changes a bit from day to day.
  • My child had a terrible day, should we still have Happy Time?
    Absolutely, yes! It can be extra tough to set aside five minutes of one-on-one time with your child after a day of challenging behavior. However, consistent Happy Time is part of what will help your child’s behavior improve long-term, and the skills you use during these five minutes will regulate your child’s mind and body in the short-term. In fact, having Happy Time on a tough day may have even more of an impact than Happy Time on a good day. It could be exactly the reset your family needs!
  • I’m a super busy parent, how do I fit this in?
    It may take some to build up a Happy Time routine. It's normal for busy families to have trouble with consistency at first. The great news is that as Happy Time and parent skills increase, most families actually end up getting time back! You should save a lot of time when meltdowns and challenging behaviors don't take up as much of your day. Think about where you could fit Happy Time into your daily routine, like bath time, or 5 minutes before bedtime. Happypillar’s customizable push notifications are great reminders during your busy day.
  • What if my child says...
  • How do you ensure my family’s privacy?
    We take your privacy seriously and treat your data as securely as private medical records. We use industry-leading cryptography and follow HIPAA and SOC 2 compliance guidelines to securely process and store your conversation data. We scrub all personally-identifiable information (PII) to anonymize your data before it reaches our servers. If ever you want your information deleted from our servers, or you have any questions about Happypillar data security, please email us at
  • Is Happypillar safe to use?
    Happypillar is listed by the kidSAFE Seal Program. The kidSAFE Seal Program is an independent safety certification service and seal-of-approval program designed exclusively for children-friendly websites and technologies, including online game sites, educational services, virtual worlds, social networks, mobile apps, tablet devices, connected toys, and other similar online and interactive services. Click on the seal or go to for more information.
  • How much does Happypillar cost?
    You can try Happypillar for free, to get started! You may be interested in joining thousands of happy families who use Happypillar Premium. With Happypillar Premium, we offer two subscription options. Pay $12.99 per month or get4 months free with an annual subscription for $99. We’re always adding new features and content from our clinicians to help you and your kiddo! Take our free assessment to see if Happypillar Premium is right for you.
  • Do you accept HSA/FSA?
    Happypillar is not currently eligible for HSA/FSA reimbursement. If that changes in the future, we will let our community know.
  • I purchased my Happypillar Premium subscription via the Apple App Store and I want a refund. What can I do?
    Unfortunately, here at Happypillar, we don't have access to the Apple App Store's subscription or billing details to cancel or refund these purchases. We apologize! Since the Apple App Store has a separate system for billing and payment information, we kindly ask that you visit the Apple App Store customer care department at this link to request a refund. You can also download the free Apple Support app and search "refund subscription", for a guided refund request experience, or call the Apple support number in your region. In the meantime, please click here to view steps on how to cancel your subscription and/or to ensure your subscription is canceled via your Apple device, so that it doesn't automatically renew.
  • I purchased my Happypillar Premium subscription via the Google Play Store and I want a refund. What can I do?
    If you purchased your Happypillar subscription through the mobile app via Google Play, you will need to contact Google Play Support in order to get a potential refund. You can contact Google Play Support here. In the meantime, please follow the steps below on your Android device to disable the auto-renew feature for your Headspace subscription: Open the Google Play Store app Tap Menu Tap "Account" and then "Subscriptions" Tap the Happypillar app Tap "Manage", then "Cancel Subscription" and confirm cancellation
  • I purchased my Happypillar Premium subscription on the website and want a refund. What can I do?
    If you purchased your Happypillar Premium subscription on our website, go to our online portal to manage or cancel your subscription.
  • How do I cancel my subscription?
    If you purchased your Happypillar Premium subscription on our website, you can click this link to manage your subscription. If you purchased your subscription via the Apple App Store: Open the Settings app Tap on your name Tap "Subscriptions" Select the Happypillar subscription Tap "Cancel Subscription" to disable it from auto-renewing at the end of the current billing cycle If you purchased your subscription via the Google Play Store: Open the Google Play Store Tap Menu (3 small horizontal lines) and then "Subscriptions" Select the Happypillar subscription Tap "Cancel Subscription" Follow the onscreen instructions
  • I thought I had a free trial, but I don't see it! What do I do?
    If you thought you signed up for a free trial but it's not showing in the app, you may have set up your app with a different email address than the one you used to set up your free trial. Sometimes this happens when you automatically log in with your Google Play, Gmail, or App Store accounts. The easiest solution here is to log out of the app, click Sign Up and set up your app account with the email address you used to set up the trial online. Then you'll see that you have a Premium Subscription. If that isn't working for you, or you can't figure out which email address is being used, feel free to drop us a line at,
  • Is there really a 14-day money back guarantee?
    Yes! Read more below for the details, but rest assured that every family gets a 2-week free trial of Happypillar Premium, at no charge, that you can cancel at any time within the first 14 days. Here's the fine print: Every family gets a 14-day free trial to explore Happypillar Premium risk-free. During this trial you will not be charged and you can cancel anytime, for any reason. If you continue your subscription past the free trial, your payment method will be charged at the end of the 14th day. If you don’t cancel within 14 days, here’s what happens: Once charged, you have an additional 14 days (28 days from the start of your free trial) to request a full refund if you've completed 10 Happy Times on 10 different days. If you didn’t complete 10 Happy Times within the 28 day window, you can still cancel your subscription for the next billing cycle (monthly or yearly), but refunds can no longer be issued to your account. These Happy Times need to be the full thing--so 5 full minutes for each Happy Time. That's only 5 minutes a day. We truly believe in the transformative power of Happypillar. Families who stick to the program see undeniable improvements in their child’s behavior and the parent-child bond. That’s why we encourage you to make the commitment—show up for 10 Happy Times and watch the amazing results unfold! If you've done 10 full Happy Times in the first 28 days and still want a refund for that first payment, you've got it. Just reach out to us at .
  • Do you provide support for older children?
    We will soon! We are carefully designing programs to support other age groups to reach as many families as possible.
  • How long is the waitlist?
    We don’t have waitlists. Once you download the app, access to support is immediate!
  • Can I share Happypillar with a friend or family member?
    Yes! We are working on a referral program that we can’t wait to roll out.
  • Why are you called Happypillar?
    A few reasons! Caterpillars are working towards a transition, building a cocoon to metamorphose into butterflies. We think parents and kids are always working on the same kind of transformation, in to the best versions of themselves. We also teach some of the pillars of play therapy, and we want to remind everyone that you can, once again, feel happy! Additionally, a pillar is support, holding you up. We want to support parents and help them reach higher and further.
  • What if I need more support than Happypillar provides?
    Happypillar may not be for all situations. If you think you need more help, we are working on partnering with other services that may offer what you need. If you, your child, or someone you know is in crisis: Call 911, go to the nearest emergency room, or reach out to the following resources. You’re never alone. Call 1-800-273-TALK (8255) to reach a 24-hour crisis center. Text 741741 to reach the Crisis Text Line. Additional resources here
  • I have a promo code for a free trial. How can I use it?
    Exciting! You can claim your free trial here. Make sure you've downloaded the free Happypillar app and signed up for a free account before you redeem your code.
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